  • Universal Access to Affordable Healthcare
    • Advocate for policies that work towards achieving universal healthcare coverage, ensuring that every Nebraskan has access to quality and affordable medical care.
  • Strengthening and Expanding Medicaid
    • Support the expansion and enhancement of Medicaid in Nebraska to provide coverage for low-income individuals and families, addressing healthcare disparities in the state.
  • Investing in Rural Healthcare Infrastructure
    • Push for increased funding and resources for rural healthcare facilities, including clinics and hospitals, to ensure that all Nebraskans, regardless of location, have access to essential medical services.
  • Telehealth Expansion
    • Promote the expansion of telehealth services to improve access to healthcare in rural and underserved areas, making it easier for individuals to receive timely medical consultations and support.
  • Mental Health Access and Awareness:
    • Champion policies that increase mental health resources, access to mental health professionals, and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues in Nebraska.
  • Prescription Drug Price Controls
      • Advocate for measures to control and reduce the skyrocketing costs of prescription drugs, making essential medications more affordable for all Nebraskans.
  • Protecting Pre-existing Conditions
    • Oppose any attempts to undermine protections for individuals with pre-existing conditions, ensuring that all Nebraskans can access health insurance without fear of coverage denial.
  • Investment in Health Education and Prevention
    • Support initiatives that prioritize health education and preventive care, aiming to reduce the overall burden on the healthcare system and promote healthier lifestyles.
  • Women’s Reproductive Health Rights
    • Advocate for women’s reproductive rights and access to comprehensive healthcare services, including family planning, contraception, and safe and legal abortion.
  • Addressing Healthcare Workforce Shortages
    • Work towards increasing funding for healthcare workforce development programs, including initiatives to recruit and retain healthcare professionals in Nebraska.
  • Combating Health Disparities
    • Develop and support policies that specifically target and address health disparities within different communities in Nebraska, focusing on equitable healthcare outcomes for all.
  • COVID-19 Response and Preparedness
    • Prioritize pandemic response and preparedness measures, ensuring that Nebraska is equipped to handle public health emergencies effectively, with a focus on vaccine distribution, testing accessibility, and public health infrastructure.